Benedict: What’s right? What’s wrong?

Benedict’s argument for moral relativism:

  1. Morality is culturally relative – morality is merely socially approved habits/mores.
  2. “Good” varies among different societies – variant to the concept of “normal.”
  3. A “normal” action is one which falls within expected behavior for a particular society.

If Benedict’s defense of ethical relativism is correct, then the correct way to resolve a personal dilemma might be to take a survey or poll to see what the majority in your society think is right. If the majority favor capital punishment and oppose abortion, for example, then capital punishment is right and abortion is wrong. Can you defend Benedict against this consequence?

Everyone is a product of their environment, their experiences, and their background. The society they where influenced by shapes their values and morals, creating a basis of what is morally right and wrong. Capital punishment involves taking life from someone who has been deemed guilty of a crime, that has resulted in the most severe punished of death. Abortion involves taking a women’s freedom to do what they please with their body. One would justify capital punishment by saying if said guilty person(s) took an innocent life they deserve the same fate, death is the only answer. Another might say capital punishment for those guilty makes society look just as cruel and unreasonable as said guilty person(s) who took the life of another. In the case of abortion, not allowing a women to do what she deems right with her body is hindering her freedom as a human being. Yet, another would argue that the fetus or child is alive and said mother is taking a life. In the end we could argue that taking life is morally wrong but given the circumstances its okay.

Benedict’s believes that the majority basically decide what is right and what is wrong. They control the morals and values they deem reasonable or acceptable to their society, therefore creating a basis of what is right or wrong. I would say Benedict’s cultural relativism is flawed because no one can say for sure the culture is wrong. No one is saying that’s wrong in ethical relativism. Capital punishment  is wrong. Abortion is wrong. Both are murder but many can and will justify each action.

The major problem with ethical relativism is that truth, right, wrong, and justice are all relative. Just because a group of people think that something is right does not make it right in the end, take slavery fro example.  For a time slavery was accepted by many. Many thought the treatment  of Africans at the time was acceptable because they where considered property and not people. Yet overtime slavery was viewed as vial and inhumane. African Americans where no longer viewed as property like cattle but as human beings. Beings that were be treated with respects and as equals to their white counterparts. Ethical relativism can be wrong but accepted by the whole of society which is why i do completely agree with Benedict’s ethical relativism.

word count:500

One thought on “Benedict: What’s right? What’s wrong?

  1. I completely agree with you in that everyone is a product of their environment. It’s crazy how one culture can transform throughout time too. Take the United States for example. Our beliefs about slavery took a long time to change. We found ways to justify that practice as well. That’s just a random thought I had relating to cultural relativism.


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